The Gaylord National Convention center (where Katsucon is held) has a hefty photo policy. Basically, you can’t take professional photographs there unless you have permission from the highest authority. But! They do have some exceptions. Here is there photo policy with conventions:
“Professional photography/videography will only be allowed and approved for the
following situations:
• Contracted Events, Meetings and Conventions taking place onsite at Gaylord
National for event documentation and promotional purposes. The photographer/
videographer must be provided an official event badge/credential or other form of
identification from the event organizer that easily identifies them as being
affiliated with the group or organization. This badge/credential or other form of
identification must always be worn or visible at all times while the photographer
is conducting services on Gaylord property.”
To me that means, if you have a regular ‘ol attendee badge, you can take pictures with your pro equipment. But there was some hoopla on Facebook yesterday. People were claiming that the Gaylord would NOT let you use your pro equipment even if you had a convention badge, only the people with press passes would be allowed. I looked on another blog who was talking about Katsucon’s 2012 photo policy but I didn’t come up with much. So what to do? Go to the source. I contacted Gaylord National through Facebook and here is there answer:

So there you have it! As long as you have an attendee badge, you and your pro equipment can shoot as much as you like. Just remember to be courteous of the space around you. They might ask you to move to a quieter area 😉