Today we have Mollie, she caught my eye for the awesome Silk Spectre she does. She is also a huge Buffy fan, so tons of internet points for her. Enjoy the awesome!
You can find her FB page here
Andy: What was the reason you went to your first convention? What Convention was it? What was your lasting memory of that first convention?
Molly: The first convention I went to was Dragon Con in 2009 and it was just for one day, Saturday. I had created a Silk Spectre II costume to wear to the midnight IMax release of the movie and decided that this would be a great oppertunity to wear it!

My favorite memories from that day were meeting members of the cast of Battlestar Galactica and just being totally star struck at all the celebrities there. Also having so many people want to take my picture was an unexpected pleasure.
A: Your Silk Spectre Cosplay is awesome, How much of the costume did you make and how did you choose your materials? The hair is important on a character like hers, did you feel the same way about the hair? What does the character mean to you?
M:I have to give most of the credit to a woman named Jo aka GravityXero on Etsy, I commissioned her to create the yellow dress, collar and belt. I supplied my own black corset underneath and found real vintage style stockings on Amazon. The boots were from Ebay. I bought the black glove and added the gold buttons down the side.
One of the reasons I picked this character is because I have a very similar hair color and figured it would be easy to pull off. Soon I realized that the victory rolls 40’s type hairstyle was really difficult. It took me about 2 hours to get my hair straightened and in the rolls. Lots and LOTS of hairspray and bobby pins! It felt amazing to take it down and the end of the day.
I love the look of Sally Jupiter. I’ve always loved pin up style and was so excited to get to wear it around people who would really appreciate it.
Andy: Did the Watchmen movie inspire you or the comicbook? Why? How do you see comics surviving in a “short attention span” world?
M:I read the comic first and loved it. It was different from other superhero type stories, more real and intense. When I saw the movie I immediately bought the book of photographs taken of all the characters in their costumes because I love all of it so much. I think there will always be a place for comic books whether they be paperback or web comics. They are like perfect little short stories that get you hooked and wanting more.

A: Another one of your costumes is Black Widow. Why do you think she holds her own so well in a group of superpower men? Do you think that the actress who played her in the movies did her justice?
M:Part of me thinks her character could have had a way bigger role in the Avengers, but in such a male dominated cast she kind of got type cast as the token “hot chick” that kicks butt. But I love that they made very smart and intuitive, and showed her interrogation skills in the movie. I think Scarlet Johanson did a great job with her character.
A: Buffy was Joss’ first foray into TV, do you think it was his best? What do you think made the Buffy Show work so well? Why did you choose to cosplay the reverse Willow?
M:Buffy is one of my all time favorite shows. I love all of Joss’ TV shows because he makes the female characters strong . A character like Buffy was such a great role model to girls and her story arch is powerful, raw and even painful at times. Buffy came out before all the glittery vampire hype and so it was sort of new territory for the fans.
I chose “doppleganger” Willow because it was obscure and unique. I love Willow’s character and in the episode where we are introduced to her as a vampire in an alternate dimension we get a glimpse of what she could be capable of if turned evil.
A: Do you think in some time down the line Xander and Buffy get together?
M:I haven’t read through all of the new Buffy comic series, but I would guess no. They go way back (hey throwback to the first episode!) and care deeply for each other, but more in a brother sister kind of way.
A: How important is it to you to get the right pose for a character down?
M:It’s important to really get into character and then the pose will come naturally. Sally Jupiter was confident and sexy so when I would pose for pictures I would try to depict those characteristics.
A: What is one word you would use to describe your cosplays?
M:Sexy! Although in the future I plan to get more into poweful, dark and mysterious characters. Also some fun silly ones 🙂
A: What cons will you be at for the rest of the 2013 Con season?
M:No more cons for me this year, Dragon Con is my main game. I have been to PAX east before and would love to go back but there isn’t nearly as much cosplay going on up there.