Epic Cosplay Iris Wig Review Holly·January 21, 2016We review the 30 inch Epic Cosplay wig called Iris. The color of this wig is Cocoa Brown....ReviewsWig Reviews·1 Comment·0·194 views
The Five Wits “Blondie’s Moving Chocolate Obsession” Cassandra Rowe·February 25, 2014This was the very first wig I ever bought. I use it to cosplay Switzerland from Hetalia: Axis...ReviewsWig Reviews·0 Comments·0·14 views
Arda Wigs Le Tigre in Bubblegum Pink Review Holly·November 1, 2013I review Le Tigre in Bubblegum Pink by Arda Wigs. If you are looking for a long wig...ReviewsWig Reviews·0 Comments·0·87 views
Arda Wigs Jasmine Review Holly·September 12, 2013Watch as Holly’s wig slowly falls off her head! Just thought I would talk about my newest wig...Wig Reviews·0 Comments·0·94 views