Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 92
In this episode we talk about a cosplay coffee table book, the Netflix release of Death Note, have a short...
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 91
OH MY GOD MOVING IS HARD. We did not expect to be moving for 10 hours straight the other day! We’re still living in a box hut and we sincerely apologize for getting the podcast out two days late!...
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 90
We’re in the Bay Area! We talk about some behind the scenes drama at Geek Girl Con, a cosplaying Mom,...
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 89
Heyo! In this episode, we talk about our new Patreon (yaaay), a company possibly trying to trade low wages for...
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 88
We have Laura (Gynx Cosplay) on again to discuss her first time at AX and the mini line drama that happened.We also talk about Simplicity patterns and a fake Otakon website....
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 87
*Note: This podcast was recorded before AX 😉 Post AX talk coming soon! In this episode, WE HAVE A GUEST!...
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 86
In this echoey episode, we talk about multiple AX things, Honey Color, and we review Vrv....
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 85
In this episode we talk about VRV, a half canceled con, some uncomfortable privacy things and MOOOORE...
Summer Scramble Tharja Cosplay Photoshoot
After all these years of being cosplay photographers, this was our first beach shoot! Alison (MooCowPrincess), was cosplaying as Summer...