Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 68 Holly·May 24, 2016In this episode we talk about Sante Fe Comic Con, Arda and Cosbox and mooooore drama....Featured·0 Comments·0·2 views
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 26 Holly·July 20, 2015In this episode of the podcast we talk about Rit Dye, New Con, more SDCC and other amazing...Podcast·0 Comments·0·1 view
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 8 Holly·March 16, 2015In the 8th episode of the podcast we talk about more Anime Expo hotel drama! Our soon to...Podcast·0 Comments·0·9 views
Elite Cosplay Podcast Episode 7 Holly·March 9, 2015We killed Rebecca! In this podcast we talk about being able to buy worbla in person, dying your...Podcast·0 Comments·0·5 views
First Impression: “Deadman Wonderland” Eric J. Oliveros·March 15, 2013“Deadman Wonderland,” as you might have already guessed, is a darkly dramatic, rather explicit anime series (might want...Anime ReviewsReviews·0 Comments·0·16 views
Monthly Watch March: Eureka Seven AO Zach·March 13, 2013Hello everybody, and welcome to my Monthly Watch. The goal of this monthly post is to inform you...Anime ReviewsReviews·1 Comment·0·12 views
Katsucon Day 1 Recap Kevin Louie·February 16, 2013Day 1 at Katsucon had beautiful, sunny weather. ….Unit the wind storm blew in late afternoon 😛 There...Cons·0 Comments·0·13 views
Aki Con 2013 is a Go Holly·January 16, 2013After the dust had settled on the Aki Con 2012 drama, I had been randomly checking their site...Convention NewsFeatured·0 Comments·0·4 views
This Week in Cosplay- Episode 6 Holly·November 1, 2012Welcome to This Week in Cosplay Episode 6! WE HAVE TWO PRIZES GOING ON RIGHT NOW PEOPLE. One...FeaturedNews·0 Comments·0·2 views